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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

April 15, 2011

The Good, The Bad & The CONFUSING (Guns, Idiots, & Coupons)

We have had illness running AMOK in our home, so I apologize for the hiatus from the blog... 

The Good:
I am currently taking a 6 week Ladies Handgun Safety class with my LP. We just finished week 2 and we finally started to actually shoot.  It was so damn fun and for the first time EVER, I wasn't afraid of the guns.  I think it was because I had a real understanding of every part of it.  They spent the 1st week & part of the 2nd week breaking it all down into basic pieces and rules to be safe.  I can actually take one apart and put it together.  I am not ignorant about guns.  We have been target shooting and had guns for years.  But there was always this uneasiness about them & once we had kids, I became a freak about it.  Didn't even want them out around the children.  (And YES, we have gun safes and keep everything separate etc... we are very responsible about it. And yet... I still had issues.)    I think this fear comes from ignorance for me & others who have irrational fears about having guns in your home.   I believe now even after just a small bit of education, I feel safer and more prepared to keep those I love safe if ever the situation arises.     
As for the actual shooting part.  I found out that I feel very comfortable shooting, and I am not too bad!   It was empowering and felt good to do well at something I was so nervous about.   I started with a semi-auto 22, and next week I will try the revolvers.  (I have always shot semi-autos, so the revolver will be interesting.)   This has been a very good lesson and I am having a blast!  I will be sad when the 6 weeks is over... But I am sure I will continue to shoot and learn about it.  I am way to damn good to let this talent go to waist!  LMAO    Kidding... but I am having a blast!

The Bad:
Where to start...  Well, I have had a few stressful situations the past few weeks and the one that affected me the most was a surprise.  We had company over spring break & a family member/niece brought a boyfriend with her whom I had never met.  He came into our home and he tinkered with personal items, yelled at our dogs, push them around, and treated most everyone with little to no respect. Needless to say, By day 2 of the 4 days I was at my end and basically insisted he BE NICE, or get the fuck out of my home... (In so many words.)   It was very hard to see my niece being treated like an object and most of the time he was tearing her down.   I had boyfriends like him when I was younger and I had little self respect & figured that was all I deserved.   I pray she is smarter than I was and can see early on that she is amazing and deserves to have someone who builds her up and wants to be a part of her life and a partner, not someone who want to own her like a toy to show off, then tuck away from everyone.   Makes me sad for her.  Thank god when it came time for me to settle and get married I got it right.  I have the best partner a girl could ask for.

The Confusing:
So I am sure some of you may have seen those Extreme Coupon people on TLC... Well, I myself am one of the people who are just dumbfounded by the world of coupons and all the rules and lingo.  I would LOVE to learn, but it seems the more I read the more confusing it gets!  Seriously, is there a college coarse I can take??? Is there a degree I can get?! Are those people genetically engineered to understand it?
I would LOVE to save even half of my grocery costs for our family, so I am determined to keep plugging along through all the information and start to make what I like to call "TRIAL RUNS" to the store.  I plan to blog about my success and my failures/"learning opportunities" and welcome feedback from those of you who have been blessed with the coupon gene. 

Sorry for the leave of absents in Crazy Land, HOWEVER!!!!  On the up side, I am dealing with major drama in my life/family AND will be attending a large Beltane camp out in 2 weeks with all my crazy Pagan Hippie friends, so I should have PLENTY to blog about over the next 2-4 weeks...

Here's hoping for sunshine the rest of the month! 

Namaste" & PEACE OUT!

Franki Lynn