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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

January 19, 2011

Car crash & broken diapers.... oh my! Can I go back to bed now.. PLEASE!?

OK, So I would like to start off by saying... I don't intend for this blog to be all about my toddlers poop/diapers... however.... it just so happens to be the theme of the week for me...

Started my day slow after a sleepless night with a fussy toddler. After dropping my 7 yr old "TJ" off to school, my 20mnth old "MJ" & I were heading home so Mommy could get her coffee fix going... 50 yards ahead of my car, a pickup decided to flip off the road into a grove of pine trees. After I called 911... check to be sure the guy was ok... (Checked to see that "I" was OK... Can you say adrenaline rush?!?!?) I decided to stay until the Police showed to be sure he was really ok. MJ sat in the back seat with all the patience a toddler has... NONE... We finally were on the road again after 20 minutes...

Can you believe he flipped it, landed on tires... parked "GENTLY" in forest & walked away...

At home we settled in and I enjoyed my amazing coffee... (see my Jan 17th post on coffee if you want some amazingly tasteful orgasmic java... some day I will learn how to insert a quick link...)

an hour later... I begin to find these strange squishy gelatin like beads all over my house.. chairs... and yes... my child...
It seems that his diaper had a tear in the covering on his butt area... so as he played... peed, played some more... these began to swell and push through & out the hole... then followed like little ant soldiers down his pant leg and out the opening as he walked EVERYWHERE... (OK... some may be asking... what kind of Mother are you?!?! you didn't notice? NOPE! I was in BLOGGER HELL... trying to figure out how to post a link! So I may have been slightly distracted... SLIGHTLY... But after 7 attempts... I did get the Blog Hop to post in my blog correctly... >>>Happy Dance<<< Yay me!) Not to worry though...He is now bathed, fed, changed, and sleeping soundly in bed with his wubby & Totoro plushy... So please no hater comments... human here posing as super mom... not the other way around. As you can see... it was not a good thing... this is just what I got out of his pants... the rest was all over my home... Mental note... Potty Train FASTER! ;)

So all you folks in Bloggersville have a fabulous day!

Namaste' & PEACE OUT!

Franki Lynn

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