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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

January 23, 2011

Balance... Is this the elusive pot of gold?

I find myself in a constant pursuit of this elusive thing called 'balance'. I seek balance between family & friends. Balance between Husband & Children. Balance between my personal pursuits & my family. Balance between my work pursuits and my passionate pursuits. Balance between food, exercise, and enjoying life. (I must be honest... I am NOT a lover of exercise nor will I ever be... I will only do it because the alternative is that I either die an early death due to obese related medical issues, or I limit my portions and what I allow to touch my tongue... Neither of which is an option for me... so... Exercise I must.)

I know I cannot be alone on this, and I know my friends share the same frustrations. Some of us have even gone as far as making a schedule. But honestly, for whatever reason, this time my schedule seems to be elusive as well. It is packed so full it does not allow for detours from the plan. Because of this, sickness, or surprise activities tend to throw the whole thing into a spiraling vortex of doom that takes a miracle to rebound from in order to get back on track.

Does anyone ever truly find this thing called balance? Or maybe my perspective of what balance is needs to shift... hmmmm... there's a thought.
What if my expectations of what I think balance should "look" like is so out of whack that my schedule could never truly hold up to this unrealistic idea. I would honestly LOVE to hear your thoughts on this...

I have pondered these things a lot... and honestly I think although I will continue to try to use my schedule... I think I will have to just give in to the fact that life is ever changing and we cannot plan for everything... (This concept scares a control freak such as myself... but I am working on those issues too)

I am resolved to give myself a break instead of judging my daily success by what I did NOT achieve from my daily list of tasks.

I hope we can all find joy in the chaos and peace in the journey of our lives... I think maybe that will be my new goal... and within that I may just see the truth of what balance truly is.

Namaste" & PEACE OUT!

Franki Lynn

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