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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

January 28, 2011

Alternate Reality... Can I borrow your "ruby red slippers" Dorothy? I wanna go home...

Is it just me or has the entire world shifted into an alternate universe where every person has lost their damn minds!?!?!?

All around me it seems that chaos has run a muck... People who I know to be 'mostly normal" seem to be losing it... There is this feeling in the air that everything is just a bit "off"... Like some shift has occurred and nobody bothered to tell anyone... "Oh hey, by the way... hold onto your pantyhose because your lives are about to be flipped on their asses!" Even my children are "off"...
It just seems very odd & has me sort of feeling on 'high alert'... I find myself evaluate everything for "signs" of whether or not this decision is o.k., or will this choice bite me in the buttocks?

It's like that "feeling" you get when you walk into a room of people & you know something just "isn't right"... Well in this case it is like that but for the whole world! (Or at least the world that immediately affects me & those I know...)

Has anyone else felt this... Going through this?
What do you do to deal with it? Usually I am the "Queen of compartmentalizing"... Unfortunately, ALL MY COMPARTMENTS ARE FULL!!! {Sick toddler, lack of sleep, Grandfather trying to exit life, P90X kicking my ass making me feel even worse about myself, friends losing it, war, animal cruelty, planetary abuse, alien abductions, government conspiracies, not to mention I JUST found out Medium & Ghost Whisperer have been canceled!}
Honestly.. I really can't deal with more than I have on my plate... ;)
Today I actually heard myself whine... really... That is it... I think a bottle of wine with dinner tonight along with a brownie for dessert is in my future!

Seriously though... I plan to take some advice from Miss Winfrey & take a minimum of 1 minute a day & be in silence & just breath. It is said to make you happier, & therefore I must assume better able to deal with this Crazy thing called LIFE!

Here's hoping next week finds us all back in the "flow"... This reality isn't for me.

Namaste' & PEACE OUT!

Franki Lynn

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