About Me

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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

Books I love

This page is going to be dedicated to the books I LOVE... These are those books that you always keep close to reread over and over because they are JUST THAT GOOD!  :)

To start of I want to cover my current series that I am obsessing over.

All I have to say is, "Black Dagger Brotherhood" is whats doing!  
The author JR Ward has written a series full of vampires, sex, intense relationships and personal connections that are almost too heart wrenching to read, ALMOST. These characters are so well written you find yourself feeling as if you "know" them and you have a vested interest in how things work out for them!  She has managed to write each character SO DIFFERENTLY and leaves you wondering where she comes up with some of the stuff!  This isn't a cookie cutter vamp series.  It is a WORLD you must emmerse yourself in and it allows you to escape life and stresses if just for a brief moment.  The connections are intense and steamy, and the males are complex and wonderful to read.  Cannot say enough about this series except once you start them, you will be hooked! You will devour the series!!!
Thank you Warden!!!! You rock my world.   I cannot wait for the next installment!

*********ANOTHER GREAT SERIES*********

Let me introduce you to the Immortals After Dark Series By Author Kresley Cole
Click here to go to her site & check out the latest releases!

Her writing is Sassy, Sexy, and completely sarcastic and CHUCK FULL of HOT BROODING MEN! OK, well, they aren't EXACTLY "Men" so to speak... They are Vampires, Lykae, Demons, Berserkers,  Fae, etc... Not to mention the amazing women she writes... My favorite???  Has to be the Crazy Valkyrie Nix, (AKA Nucking Futs Nix)... She is SO FUN TO READ!!!

If you want to be entertained by some great characters, and get a great dose of Mythology while maneuvering through some very steamy interludes...  You gotta check these books out!  I am in the process of re-reading the series so I can be ready to ready the latest installment that comes out on Feb15th... Happy Valentines Day to ME!  :)