About Me

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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

January 16, 2011

1st Blog EVER

Well, it seems I should say something witty or momentous as this is the 1st blog I have ever done... As I ponder what to write and go through my last week of events,  I have trouble choosing between the "I stuck my hand in my toddlers poop"  or a rant about my favorite artist friend who did a series of yoga pose paintings and was considered "too racy" by a hair salon....  really?   yoga poses? I swear I though Portland was a bit more diverse and open minded than this... Check them out & you tell me... ( www.rickieleeart.com )  Or I could get into the "interesting" conversations my friends and I have about aliens, mind control, 2012, spirituality, etc... Or hey... I could talk about my personal obsessions with my electronics, (Droid-Pro, Kindle, and the world that is Google... talk, voice, iGoogle, Google chrome, buzz... etc... still learning but having a blast... )   I am sure these will all be discussed in detail in the future...

But no, let's start off right... introductions are in order...
I am a Mother of 2 cool boys (ages 7yrs & 21 months), the wife of an amazingly wonderful man who tolerates my insanity on a daily basis & in some cases actually seems to enjoy it.  We all occasionally get on each others nerves and through it all we have a family motto, "We love each other NO MATTER WHAT"...  Good motto to have when you are the only female (besides the dogs) in a household of testosterone.  I am a bit of a Hippie at heart and my Husband is... well.. not.  He tends to be the one holding me to the ground when my head is in the clouds, so we make a good pair.

Admittedly being a Mom has been harder than I thought it would  be... But no where near the struggle of BECOMING a Mom.  (Infertility issues... years of trying, then through adoption we were able to finally build our family.) 
I have aspirations to be published some day, and although I would love to write children's books & spiritual books, my main passion is writing para-romance... ya... I know... but that is a guilty pleasure I refuse to apologize for!  (I call the books I read my Mommy porn... LOL )

I have lived in the Pacific Northwest for about 12 years now & I love it!!  (Even with the rain... I will take that over snow any day!)

Well, I hope to make this blog fun to read, and find others who go through the same crap, I mean insanity, I mean "lessons" so that maybe we can even help each other find our way through it with some humor, real conversations, and maybe a few moments of a crazy "Mommy Tirade"...  Thanks for reading...

Namaste'... PEACE OUT!  ;-P


  1. Love it can't wait to read more! I'm sooo proud of you! Keep it up!!!

  2. Thanks! Learning as I go! It's going to be quite the adventure I am sure! If nothing else... I am entertaining myself! LMAO :P
