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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

January 30, 2011

The Good The Bad & The ANNOYING!

Let's start with the Good:
 I love it when my Hubby looks at me with his piercing green eyes in that way that STILL gives me butterflies and makes me believe I am as beautiful as he sees me to be.
I Love it when TJ & I play Wii fit and whether its hula-hoop or ski jump, we seem to end up laughing so hard we fall off the Wii Fit Board... His laughter is so contagious and his smile hits you in the heart like lightning.
I also love it when I am rocking my MJ and he holds my hand and snuggles in a little more than normal.  That feeling when your heart expands and is just ready to burst... It is the best feeling in the world!  I cannot imagine my life without my boys. (All 3 of them)   They truly do feed my soul... (Yes some days they also drain my soul... honesty is a must... but most days I believe I am filled.)

The Bad:
My Mother is currently caring for her Father in her home. (My Grandpa)  He is 97.  He has lived a full amazing life... He has outlived 3 wives, and survived black lung as a lifetime coal miner.  He has been on Hospice a few months now, and made the comment to my Sister a while back, "I just don't know what I am waiting for."   He has been ready but his body has not... Until now... it seems his body is starting the process now... He has decreased his food intake to nothing but hot chocolate. His blood pressure is dropping, and now his lungs are filling with fluid due to an URI.  I am 4 hours from Mom, and I am unable to be there to help.  I don't like feeling helpless, but even more I worry about my Mom.  Her health isn't the best and she is watching her Father die.  Her time with him up to now has been a true gift, and once he is gone, she will cherish the time she was given to care for him.  The hard stuff will be worth it all... But right now... it just sucks.  I am sending love and peaceful thoughts to them both.  I talk to her by phone & reassure her that she has done everything she can and is amazing to be able to do what she does every day.  I love my Grandpa and I wish him a peaceful crossing.  We had our goodbye the last time I went to Mom's.  As for my Mom... You are my hero in so many ways, & even though I give you grief for allowing folks to take advantage of your good will, or for being harder on your own kids than everyone else... But.... Honestly, I can only hope that if you leave this Earth before me, that I am blessed to have you as my Guardian Angel. You will be a force to be reckoned with!  :)

The Annoying:
P90X is a workout program designed by Tony Horton. (He is the goofball to the left...) For those who have not had the pleasure... just youtube P90X and find a video sample of this guy.   I admit, I hate to exercise so that may be a factor in my inability to find humor in “Let's make it X like… not exlax that's somethin different” or During towel hopping when he says ‘let's get to it like bunny rabbits!’ There's even a blog on his sayings, really...   http://101tonyisms.wordpress.com/
OK, so I admit the workouts are tough! And yes I do hate them & love them... Mostly I love how I feel when I am done, and I love working out with my Hubby.  But seriously, I actually find myself bantering at the damn TV screen at this man! He has got to get himself a better joke writer & a slightly less inflated ego...  His annoyance is lost in translation... you really have to experience it to understand... You will either Love him or want to kick him in the nuts.  :)   I will keep doing this crazy workout until either he grows on me or I invest in earplugs while I do the workout... hey, there's an idea!

Well, that's it...  The weekend is wrapping up and Monday starts a new week of fun.   Enjoy the journey people... You only get each minute of your life once... Make it the best you can & get the most out of it.

Namaste' & PEACE OUT!

Franki Lynn

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