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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

January 19, 2011

We have a blogger down... I repeat.. we have a blogger down... BLOG HOP ANYONE?!?!

OK... As a very new blogger... started 4 days ago... I am learning as I go... today, I read the how to's & tried to figure out the wonderful world of blogging...  I now feel my head begin to swim... Then spin circles on my shoulders... I swear pea soup is about to spew next...   SO... I will heed the advice given by a fellow blogger... (CRAP... should have remembered WHO they were so I could link back to them... SORRY... BEGINNER FOPAH...)  anyway... I will just write.... I will be me... (I hear John Cusack in my head right now "This is me breathing... I am at home with the me"  *see Gross Point Blank for the full monte.)
I did find a fun way to follow funny peeps and possible network a bit with my fellow boggers... it is something called a "Blog Hop"... I HOPE I did it right... (I do tend to be the "learn from my mistakes" kinda girl... )
here is how it works...


To be in this hop just follow all three hosts.(We always follow back, leave a comment)

Follow the person before you.

Have fun. Add the linky and or button to your page to get more followers!

THANK YOU    Snack Bar Reviews, 3 Princes and a Princess 2, Luvin My Lil Monkeys. !!!     I love this idea!

Namaste' & PEACE OUT!

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