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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

January 24, 2011

To Blog or not to blog... is less more?

I have recently spent some time setting up my blog and making it look "pretty"...
I had noticed that my ads at the bottom seem to choose the ad type based on my blog content... So the fact that they are ads for drugs to treat schizophrenia and meds for when you "hear voices in your head"... well... lets just say, it really makes a girl think. Come on Google... I have also blogged about Coffee, Poop, Spirituality, and diapers... but no ads on those.... oh no...
I am not joking I even took a screne shot of it... Is the Universe trying to tell me something?!?

OK, seriously... Let me get to the point of today's blog...
I had originally planned to blog daily, like a journal. It worked great the first 5 days, then... all of the sudden... nothing major happened in my reality & I had nothing to say. Well, nothing GREAT, INTERESTING, FUNNY or SARCASTIC... "Now what do I do?"
Well, I blogged anyway, but with mixed reviews from "the peanut gallery" (That would be Hubby & BFF Life Partner)

So here is my question to the universe... (Because I am so new and have only a handful of followers and do not yet get much feedback... I will include "The UNIVERSE") :)
Riddle me this... Is it better to blog about whatever every day, or only blog when I truly FEEL it? I can honestly say I agree with them that my writing is 'funner' to read when I am really feeling it. And yes it "flows much better & is less Schizophrenic" as my darling Hubby refereed to my blog about the voices in my head... (BTW... I was FEELING schizophrenic... that was the point.) :D

SO I guess I just need to figure out if I want to blog each day for myself just to keep it going regularly, or skip a day or two when I don't feel it until I really have something to say or rant about. decisions decisions decisions...

I would also love to figure out how to review books... As many as I devour in a month I would love to share my thoughts on those! I had plan to add a page of book reviews too, but I need to figure out how that works. Baby steps.
I am currently re-reading The Immortals After Dark Series... If you like Steamy para-romance... give them a try. They get better with every book and the characters are FUN!

Well... That is about it. Have a great week!

Namaste' & PEACE OUT!

Franki Lynn

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