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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

February 22, 2011

Ode to John Cusack... "The Cusack"

OK, so I said I would post my next blog on one of my favorite obsessions, JOHN CUSACK....  (Or as my Hubby now refers to him, "The Cusack".  (Sorry it took a week to get this done, had some family stuff to take care of... will blog later this week on all that stuff... But now, without further adieu....... HEEEEEEEEEEEERE'S JOHNNY!)

This obsession is not at all the stalker type obsession... ok, well maybe it has been a little since finding him on Twitter and reading every Tweet, loving every picture he posts (ESPECIALLY HIS POE PICTURE! OMG... So HAWT!)    I don't know if it against any copy write laws to repost it here, but I will post the link to it.  You know, for all you other Cusack obsessing Peeps.  (here's his Yfrog ablum link: http://www.yfrog.com/froggy.php?username=johncusack)

I have pondered why I have this little obsession, and where it stems from... honestly I am just not sure.   I did fall in love with him in the early 80's watching "the Sure Thing", "Better Off Dead", "Say Anything" and many more... But I really started OBSESSING when I saw him in "Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil", "Gross Point Blank" & "Pushing Tin".  What is it about him that fascinates me?  His character in Gross Point Blank is ONE of my very favorite.  I love his off hand humor and I love how he could make Martin lovable in spite of the fact that he was a professional killer, "with scruples".  I found myself wanting to be Mini Driver!  Having that silly banter at her bedroom door, "Ya Ciant Com in!"  & "You're a F#<king Psycho"... "Don't Judge"    (Oh John, how I wanted you to give me an airplane ride...)  
Seriously though... it's more than just the eye candy that draws me in.  It isn't just his warm brown eyes and his charisma, although they are nice... I love his passion for things... It bleeds through to his work and it is mesmerizing to witness. 
Although I am SO NEW to the Twitterverse, and to following people etc., When I read John's Tweets, I still find myself drawn into his random, witty, sarcastic, passionate world. 
Do I understand who "Shockozulu" is? Not really, but I am determined to try! Although I have the impression he is an alter ego you never wanna meet alone in a dark ally if you are screwing with any of his ideologies. 
Do I love his random pics he posts on Yfrog.. hell yes! I especially enjoyed his quote from Orgy of the Dead... & If I were to respond in kind I would say, "
"As it is with all the Night 
   People, they are destroyed 
   by the first rays of the sun. 
   But upon the first appearance
   of the deep shadows of the 
   night, and when the moon is 
   full, they will return, to 
   rejoice...in their evil lust, 
   and take back with them any 
   mortal who might happen along." ~Criswell

Many People see him as quirky and strange...  I just see him as an individual Soul who is passionate on so many levels that you cannot fit him in a nice pretty package.   Intelligence and passion are sexy qualities in any man...  So I will continue to be a voyer into his world for as long as he is willing to allow.  

***Here's to you John!!! May you have many more years of success and happiness!  Cannot wait to see you as Poe in "The Raven" next fall!
p.s. PLEASE keep posting pictures of yourself in random amazing places, (clothing optional... he he) & know that it brings much joy to so many of us! 
Me more than most.... but I digress.

I want to personally thank my sweet Husband for allowing me this obsession with "The Cusack" and for putting up with my rambling on about how "John posted this... & hey check out this crazy video John posted today!"  etc...   He is MORE THAN Understanding with SO MANY of my "things"...    Thanks Baby. :)

Hope you all have a great week!  We may actually finally see snow!!!  Enjoy & Be SAFE!

Namaste' & PEACE OUT!

Franki Lynn

***photo's were obtained from press releases & media source amctv.com & in no way were intended to infringe on any copy writes.

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