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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

February 09, 2011

T.I.P.S. (Things I Ponder Sometimes) ~ Lets talk 2012... Doomsday or Y2K?

T.I.P.S. is a new re-occurring topic that I thought might be fun... (it stands for "Things I Ponder Sometimes)
I wanted to name it "Shit I Ponder Sometimes" but that would be S.I.P.S. and although I love a drink now & then... I decided to stick with T.I.P.S.    (At least for now.)
I originally planned on blogging about my obsession with John Cusack.  Unfortunately I watched this thing on the History Channel about 2012 (Which I know could tie in nicely with my John Cusack obsession.) However, I found myself unable to give John the focus and attention he truly deserves because I was just too distracted with all the things swimming in my head about what I had just learned, what I know & what I don't know but kinda sorta believe. etc...   So Dear John... Just kidding, I would NEVER write him a Dear John Letter... He is and forever shall be on my Top 5... (You know, the top 5 people who if they showed up on your door and wanted to do the "Funky Monkey" with you, you wouldn't turn them down AND you have a pass from your Spouse.  THAT Top 5... DH has his own list so it's all good baby... ) So be warned, my next blog will be dedicated to my obsession that IS JOHN CUSACK!  So yummy, so talented, and he is so "odd", and is it weird that I am even more attracted to him because of it. I just can't help myself. But I digress...

Onto 2012!
I love most anything paranormal, conspiracy theory, science, metaphysical, or psi... I cannot resist watching those shows you see on the history channel & discovery & sci-fi channel... They are like a drug & I am totally hooked! I have this group of friends who also love these things, so instead of driving DH insane with my questions, and thoughts, I seek my friends and we get into these off the wall discussions that sometimes last into the wee hours of the morning.  We joke that we have all chosen the "Red Pill" but honestly there are some days that we long for the "Blue Pill" days and for a short time "ignorance is truly bliss".  I said, for a short time...
You see, my Grandpa worried, a lot. He lived through the depression & also fought in the war.  He has taught me many things, like how to pack my luggage like a GI soldier. (roll your clothes because you can fit more and they dont wrinkle.)  He also taught me that you PLAN FOR THE WORST & HOPE FOR THE BEST!  This motto has saved me more times than I can count, so when it comes to the subject of 2012 and what may or may not happen in our near future, I cannot help but fall back on that advise.

So, buckle-up buttercup, this ride is about to get weird!
****Warning... May contain slightly insane ramblings & the occasional hint of sarcasm****

~Do you ever wonder what if anything will actually occur during the solstice on 12/21/2012?
~Do you think its another crazy Y2K type scare?
~Or how about solar flares and or asteroids?   
~Or maybe the earths magnetic field will actually flip causing the outer crust to "slide" and resettle?

~And here's the "WOO WOO" Part (No the suggestions above were NOT the woo woo part! Sheesh, KEEP UP PEOPLE!)
What if  it is an energetic shift of consciousness? Like what James Redfield wrote about in the book "The Celestine Prophecies"... You know... Those who are enlightened enough & have released all fear and no longer vibrate at lower levels will just vibrate to a new plane of existence leaving the rest of the poor unenlightened folks behind.
(Here's a random thought... What if this IS "the one"...  If it is, can I please request a list of instructions on EXACTLY what I must accomplish to be able to vibrate to the next level.  You see, I just do better with lists. Thanks in advance!)  

I have no clue what to believe or how to 'fully' prepare... and I guess this is what keeps this subject active in my mind.   I know you may be thinking... Wow! Is she serious? Does she really beleive this stuff?  Is she one of  "those people"... you know who I mean...   The ones who ride the "Crazy Train"...   Maybe.

WARNING!!!!!  ONLY read on if you DARE!!!   The following may just infect you with the "crazy train syndrome". The very same syndrome that has me & my fellow crazy train friends heading down the tracks, riding that crazy train right into our hidden underground bunkers where we store our food, water supplies, natural healing remedies, survival guides, and the all important ammo & gun reserves...   I hear Ozzy... ALL ABOARD!!!!  HA HA!!!! No really... I am listening to him on my iPod.  :)

Here is what I do know:

***NASA released a statement warning of a major solar flare increase in the year.... ready for this???? You guessed it!!! 2012!!!!!  Really!!!  The effects of which would be CHAOS & DEATH!  Did you know it only takes 18 hours to reach earth?  Not a whole lot of planning time there. One of the outcomes when it hits earth is the entire electrical grid would be wiped out for months!!!  That means you lose everything! Unless you have a well with a hand pump, most water comes from a place where a computer and electricity are need to get it to you. Stores would close, what will you eat? And no electricity to pump the gas, sorry folks!  Don't forget all that meat in your freezer, because it's going to spoil unless you have a way to keep it cold. And with only 18 hours notice, do you honestly think anyone (anyone meaning our government) would tell us what's coming knowing we didn't have enough time to do anything about it except act like frightened crazed animals?  hmmm...   Think this isn't real?  Here is a video of the fox news report from youtube >>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_TzIUlaQok

***Just a month ago in the news they reported that an airport in Tampa, Florida, had to temporarily close its runways to adjust the signs on its busiest runway because pilots depend on the magnetic fields to navigate to keep up with Earth's magnetic north pole, which is drifting toward Russia at a rate of 40 miles per year.  (Did you catch that?  The MAGNETIC NORTH POLE IS MOVING PEOPLE!)   Look it up... there are loads of news stories that reported on this one!

***As for the asteroid theory... well there isn't really much to say.  If this happens we are pretty much screwed.  Even Bruce Willis & Ben Aflec can't save us on this one.  I guess you tuck your head between your legs and kiss your ^ss goodbye.  

***Now let's for a minute just think about this theory of vibrating out of existence. I have read the Celestine Prophecies and I have tried some of the techniques in the book. had 'some' success and yes I do believe that may be possible.  I heard a man named Michael Tamura speak at a conference I attended who told a story of when he was in a bank, and a robbery occurred & in the midst of the chaos he realized the robbers could not see him.  He was right there facing him and the guy almost looked through him as if he was not there.  His theory or belief was that being the spiritual man he was and the way he understood energy, he assumed because these men vibrated at such a low frequency & he was able to maintain his higher frequency as long as he didn't allow fear to play into it, they literally could not see him.    Strange huh? Crazy even?  Maybe.  

Who really knows what to believe...  I am a seeker.  Always searching for my truth.  I change my beliefs as often as I need to with the new information I am given and I believe that change is the only true constant thing you can truly rely on.  So for me, I guess the end result is that I will keep thinking and researching and planning for what I can control.  The rest is out of my hands.  
Yes I have emergency water, food and a generator at home. I keep an emergency backpack in my car.
Recently I bought this really HUGE book on how to survive any disaster.  (Maybe I should read it instead of using it as a paper weight for my taxes.  hmmm.)    And if I never need these things, I am grateful, but if I do...  Well, I don't see the harm in being prepared.    

My BFF & I always joke that we don't want to SOUND like those raving crazy people out there or attract this fear based thinking into our lives, but there is also a balance between being prepared and being ignorant.

So there you have it... a peek inside the mind of a whacked out housewife & mom who just may be a step ahead of the game due to her wise and wonderful Grandpa & her slightly paranoid and controlling ways. 

ps... What will you do if the shit hits the fan people, seriously...  you should get your own back-up plan now, because if you wait it may be too late!   
Better Safe than Sorry my Grandpa always says.  :)  

Namaste' & PEACE OUT!

Franki Lynn

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