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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

January 17, 2011

Coffee... My path to the java enlightenment...

Today let's talk about one of my admitted guilty pleasures... (Yes there are some I don't openly admit to... yet... but that may be another blog... For now we can start off with those things I am willing to admit to... :)  )

My path to "Coffee Enlightenment" is no where at it's end... there is always room for improvement... however currently I have found bliss in "The Grizz"... (say it with me people... THE GRIZZ)

Before I get to what "The Grizz" is, lets go back to the beginning...

I first started out like everyone else I know... sneaking drinks from Grandpa or Auntie as a kid... I don't think I even really liked it then, I did like feeling like an adult, but Granny's coffee was... well... God rest your soul Granny, but it was NASTY!  The percolator style that allowed the spoon to stand up in the cup... ya it was that bad...
As a young adult I moved to brewed coffee and used it mainly for hangovers, and energy... NOT BLISS.
Then I met my sweet husband who tends to really put 100% into everything he does... (Including coffee) So we embarked down the road of getting our own Starbicks Barista machine & grinder... from there it was Starbucks brand only for us... seriously I think Starbucks may actually be considered a religion just because of the sheer number of "followers"...
I overheard my dear Hubby explaining how you don't want to burn the beans, and grind size this, and tamping that... and quite honestly I didn't care as long as he made me a cup...   But alas... I had no choice but to learn this craziness due to the fact that I could no longer stomach the swill coming from my own BREW machine when he wasn't home... I HAD TO BECOME A BARISTA OR DIE TRYING!  Serioulsy.. that's not being dramatic at all...
I learned to grind, tamp & get the perfect "GOD SHOT"  and damn was I getting good.  Now this is the only way I make my coffee... (Hubby has moved onto french press, however, I remain faithful to my Barista machine.)      <3 U  

So why this tangent???  Well, as I said, we WERE of the "Starbucks religion"... and yes we still partake of the Starbucks when we are out and about... but at home I have a new found love....   "THE GRIZZ"
What is The Grizz you ask???  Well... There is a man who has a small shop called Big Mountain Coffeee in Depot Bay, OR... he roasts his own beans into many blends and creations... but NONE have sent me into a blissful high like my coveted GRIZZ...  We special order it to be delivered when we can't make the drive to Depot Bay to grab it personally... And YES.. it IS that good!  This wonderful human being has managed to roast these beans to a perfection that actually pushes the coffee flavor through any additions you may put in the cup... sugar, creamer mocha, whatever... you still get this creamy flavorful coffee flavor that is SO RIGHT...

So today when I decided I needed a "treat" this afternoon at 2pm... I over-looked the cookie dough, the chocolate covered pomagranites & went straight to my Barista for a second magnificent cup of Grizz.

Here's to you Big Mountain Coffee <http://www.bigmountaincoffees.com/> !!! And to many years to come of success so that I may have a piece of bliss in my life each morning... AMEN!


  1. I know this coffee shop, and I enjoy their coffee as much as your blog.

  2. I should have included their website in my post for those POOR Grizz-less Souls who have never had the pleasure...

  3. Well... Just figured out how to edit and add it... and hey!!! I can add pictures! WAHOOOO... this could get very very fun!!!
    *he he he he <<<Insert Candace evil laugh here... must be a Phineas & Ferb fan to get that last part...
