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Just trying to get through life with a little grace and humor... and if that doesn't work... there's always coffee, a good book, wine, chocolate & good friends to keep ya going...

January 18, 2011

oh Poop!

So...  let's get the "poop" story out of the way...
It all begins with the wonderful journey that is " potty-training"...
My youngest is 20 months and has decided he wants to pee in his little potty. (Thank goodness, I was beginning to think it was just a decoration on my bathroom floor..)  Anyway...  Because I am the only girl in the house, he will usually go in with Daddy or big Brother to watch them pee. Keep in mind he never sees them sit to pee, so why would he?  Logical kid.   So one night & walked up to Daddy and said pee pee & pointed to the bathroom... We were so excited & Daddy helped him go and because he wont sit and he doesn't quite get the concept of "leaning forward" or "pushing your midsection forward" in order to "make the shot" he needs help nudging him forward a bit otherwise my floor becomes the toilet.  His 1st attempt with help was a success!  We all did the Happy Pee Pee Dance & make a HUGE deal out of it... he was beaming!

I make the comment to Daddy that I am very excited that he is using the potty but nervous that he wont sit because, well, what happens when he needs to poop?  We laugh & go on with out day, but in the back of my mind I still worry about having to "play catch" one day when he pushes & it comes out the wrong end...

Two days later he is in the highchair eating breakfast and it's just us two.  He asks to go potty, and I get all excited because this is a sign... he is asking and he is really ready..... I was nervous because this is my first time helping him, so we rush into the bathroom I get his pants down & pull his diaper off... And as I rest my hand on his butt to help him push his midsection forward to "make the shot", I fell this warm squishy sensation ooze through my fingers... Oh yes... you guessed it... EEEEWWW    There are some things that even a mother gets grossed out by...  (And yes, I SHOULD have been able to smell it prior to removing the diaper, or even after that you would THINK I would have seen the poop smeared mess in his diaper... But alas... Between my excitement to finally be working toward no more diapers & my lack of coffee/awareness...  Guessed I missed the signs...)

I asked myself... Is this what I get for attempting any job that requires attention to details PRIOR to my 1st cup of coffee, or is there more at work here than the eye can see... Do I sense a disturbance in the Force? Have I crossed into an alternate universe?  Or has all that practice trying to use "THE DAMN SECRET" or Law of attraction, finally paid off in the most inopportune time?!?!?!
So ya... Of all the lame attempts I have tried to attract things into my life and use "The Secret" or Law of Attraction without any result what-so-ever...  I finally get it to work... And what do I attract?!?!?!  POOP!   Really?!?!   At least someone up there has a sense of humor...   Good thing I do too.  ;)

So now I am off to enjoy my morning coffee and hang with my Little Man...  We start the "My Baby Can Read" series this week...  cannot wait to see if it works as well as they say it does.

Have a great day!  Namaste' & PEACE OUT!


  1. Cute blog. I love your background theme.

    Following you now from Winter Friends Blog Hop.

    Ms.Z. from madeincropal.blogspot.com

  2. Thank you SO MUCH! This is a whole new world for me, I appreciate the feedback... & the follow :)
